Brian K. Jones
(Love and Street Corner Harmony, What Color Is Trouble, MaRainey's Black Bottom, Gem of the Ocean, One Mo Christmas)

Unfulfilled for many years, from settling for  mediocrity, Brian decided late in his life to answer the call; to be who he was purposed to be, and to do that with excellence and tenacity. His desire simply is that when he dies, none of his talents remain buried.  (See Matt. 25:14-30)  He has been a background singer for local recording artists, and has acted in productions such as, The Prodigals, A Midnight Cry and Gus Is Gone, before joining the cast of Love and Street Corner Harmony with Ujima. Along with performing, his credits with Ujima include Directing and Artistic Director.  “He who does not cultivate his field, will die of hunger.” Find your field; work it, and live!
Love and Street Corner HarmonyLove and Street Corner HarmonyBob Cratchit in Ujima's One MO Christmas, 2008
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